Monday, April 13, 2009

mmmm Lollipop

I only recently bought Ice Cream during my holiday in Hong Kong...

For those who are confused about Lollipop and Ice cream, they are the names of LG phones which have been released in Korea and some Asian countries.
Both phones have been marketed by (idol) group Big Bang (only my fave!!) and 2NE1 (for the Lollipop phone).
After finally getting Ice Cream, I was in shock to learn that LG released a new phone; Lollipop, and now I want it! How could they possibly do that to me?!

I would most probably have picked the black one. (I'm a fan of black.)

The best thing about the phone is probably the external LED screen which can be customized and the ability to change the color of the light (at the top of the flip screen).

Even the CF song is addictive- lolli lolli lollipop oh lollipop pop!

BIG BANG & 2NE1 - Lollipop MV

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