Wednesday, April 15, 2009

you've got mail!

While I was still sleeping this morning/lunchtime, my mum walked into my room and chucked a package onto my feel onto the was from Hong Kong, I knew what was in there :)

I ripped the package opened and there it was, my!

I ordered it about a week ago, so it's gotten here earlier than expected...'Pieces of You' by none other than the talented TABLO from EPIK HIGH!!!

I need to go out now, so I'll update the photos of it as soon as I get back, it looks really nice, I was excited so I had to post a little about it before I left.


A few hours later...the photos of THE book

I will write more about this book when I start reading it, probably write a short review and my thoughts on the book.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay, so I know this has been out for quite a while, but still...

I was walking past a store (can't remember exactly where) and I saw these...


Have you ever stumbled across an item by chance, but you instantly fall in love with them and you think 'no matter what, I have got to get them'?
Well, this pair of shoes was one of those items! So now, even though I dread going to work because it's so boring, unfulfilling, tiring and did I mention boring?! I just have to think 'I'm doing this so I can get my hands on that pair of shoes' and it makes it bearable.

*Sigh* Off to work now..think 'shoe shoe shoe' :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

mmmm Lollipop

I only recently bought Ice Cream during my holiday in Hong Kong...

For those who are confused about Lollipop and Ice cream, they are the names of LG phones which have been released in Korea and some Asian countries.
Both phones have been marketed by (idol) group Big Bang (only my fave!!) and 2NE1 (for the Lollipop phone).
After finally getting Ice Cream, I was in shock to learn that LG released a new phone; Lollipop, and now I want it! How could they possibly do that to me?!

I would most probably have picked the black one. (I'm a fan of black.)

The best thing about the phone is probably the external LED screen which can be customized and the ability to change the color of the light (at the top of the flip screen).

Even the CF song is addictive- lolli lolli lollipop oh lollipop pop!

BIG BANG & 2NE1 - Lollipop MV